Sonargraph Product Family

Sonargraph Overview

Sonargraph is a powerful static code analyzer that allows you to monitor a software system for technical quality and enforce rules regarding software architecture, metrics and other aspects in all stages of the development process. The Sonargraph platform supports Java, Kotlin (the JVM version of it), C#, Python 3, TypeScript and C/C++ out of the box and includes powerful features like a Groovy based scripting engine and a DSL (domain specific language) to describe software architecture.

The Sonargraph platform comprises several products: Sonargraph-Architect, our main product, Sonargraph-Build, which can be executed autonomously on a build-server to create metrics and issue reports and Sonargraph-Developer which allows developers to check for issues before committing changes to the version control system. Our newest product Sonargraph-Enterprise is collecting daily metrics from all of your projects and allows stake-holders to detect harmful metric trends early on.

We also provide an entry level free product called Sonargraph-Explorer. With it you can gather 100's of metrics and also identify cyclic dependency groups. The idea of that tool is that it allows you measure the overall technical quality and structure of a software system. If you get bad results you might need our commercial product to find out how and where to fix the issues.

By the way, if you want to learn more about the software architecture metrics computed by Sonargraph we recommend the book Software-Architecture Metrics.